The Island of Bohol Philippines
We met up with Christian, a friend from our Tao Philippines trip and had a great day trip discovering parts of Bohol. We started at a statue commemorating a 16th century blood compact between the Spanish and Bohols. Nearby is the Church of Immaculate Conception in Baclayon. Completed in 1727 and made of coral stone it is considered one of the Philippines oldest churches. We had a short stop at a butterfly farm before heading off to see the islands infamous Tarsier. The tiny cute Tarsier is one of the worlds smallest primates. They are nocturnal hunters feeding mostly on insects and apparently can jump between 3 and 5 metres! We then travelled through forest, paddy fields and small villages to the Chocolate Hills, Bohol’s best known tourist attraction. They are very uniform grass covered hills between 30 and 50 metres in height, geologists think they are a weathered Marine Limestone that sit on top of impermeable clay. I prefer the legend that they came into existence when two giants threw stones and sand at each other in a fight that lasted for days. When they were finally exhausted they made friends, left the island and left behind the hills! We decided not to wait at the main viewpoint for sunset as the direction of light wasn’t great so we headed off-road into the surrounding Paddy fields. A very friendly local farmer guided us to a perfect spot to watch the sun go down, he even went off and got us some fresh coconuts for us to sip! In the meantime Sacha had met all the local children and sent them out to make sure we weren’t lost, it was such a shame it was too dark by then to take any pictures. Running alongside our taxi they gave us a great Philippine sendoff!!!
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